Social proof: testimonials

Better Writer


  I just wanted to let you know that your program has already made me a better writer in just a few months, and I'm not even halfway through the program yet.  I am so glad I have started working with you.  



Your course has helped me break through a lot of barriers within my writing. I’ve learned how to analyze my writing and make changes. Laura, anything you do for us students, I try to be front and center. Thank you!!

Closer to the Goal!


Laura Axelsen has been of superlative assistance to me at a time when traveling back and forth to school after work became almost impossible. She has not only provided a mentor for me with whom I keep in contact from time to time, she herself has provided numerous holistic coaching sessions where she analyzes the problems I am facing at the moment. She also initiated my physical education for writing by advising me to study a particular posture method popular with top reporters who write for hours and hours without pain. And through her group, I was able to receive several excellent hypnotherapy sessions free of charge. These sessions continually point me to some of the deeper issues affecting my approach to the writer. And last, but never least, her very affordable Magnum Steno course guided me to reconstruct my theory at a formative moment in my development, saving me years of toil, headaches with tests unpassed, and many events of body aches and pains from the effort of writing everything out for each and every word. At this point after less than a year, I feel more confident with writing and dictionary building, not only because I know how to write more accurately, I understand much better how steno works in the real world, bringing me several steps closer to the skill to produce transcripts from skills tests that will get me closer and closer to my RPR.

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Dictionary Building and Other Files

    • TXT files for dictionary building

    • Eclipse Dictionary Builder Tool

    • Case CATalyst How to - Creating a Job Dictionary with Dictionary Builder

    • Case CATalyst How To - Creating a Dictionary Builder Word List

    • Quizlet Links

    • Magnum Steno Jeopardy


    • Word Generator Phrase Files

    • Phrases from 1-50ish

  • 3

    Just for Fun!

    • Fast Talker No. 1

    • Fast Talker No. 2

    • Numbers - addresses

    • Literary - Intersteno Competition 2007 SC

    • Speed Contest Elephant literary 220ish

    • Speed Contest Notes

  • 4

    Class 1 - Orientation and Chapters 1 and 2

  • 5

    Class 2: Chapters 3-5

    • MS Theory Lesson 2

    • Week 2 Finger Drills

    • Chapter 3 dictation

    • Chapter 3 sentences

    • Chapter 4 dictation

    • Chapter 4 sentences

    • Chapter 5 dictation

    • Chapter 5 sentences

    • Chapters 4-6phrases only

    • Chapter 3 All Words Dictation

    • Chapter 4 All Words Dictation

    • Chapter 5 All Words Dictation

  • 6

    Class 3 - Chapters 6-8

    • Test 1 -Chapters 1-5

    • Lesson 2

    • Finger Drills

    • Chapter 6 Sentences dictation

    • Chapter 6 Sentences

    • Chapter 7 Dictation

    • Chapter 7 sentences

    • Chapter 8 dictation

    • Chapter 8 sentences

    • Chapters 6-8 phrases only

    • Chapter 8 words dictation

    • MS Theory Chapters 1-8 Sentence dictation

  • 7

    Class 4 - Chapters 9-11

    • MS Theory Class 4

    • Chapters 9-11 phrases only

    • MS Chapter 9

    • Chapter 9 sentences

    • MS Chapter 10

    • Chapter 10 sentences

    • MS Chapter 11

    • Chapter 11 sentences

    • Phrase match Chapters 6-8

  • 8

    Class 5 - Chapters 12-14

    • MS Theory Class 5

    • MS Chapters 12-14 Phrases only

    • Chapter 14 Sentences

    • Chapter 12 Sentences

    • Chapter 13 Sentences

    • Chapters 6-11 Crossword blank

    • MS Theory Week 5 dictation

    • Dictation Sentences Chapters 12-14

  • 9

    Class 6 - Chapters 15-17

    • Chapters 6-14 Quiz

    • Lesson 6

    • Chapter 15 Phrases Only

    • Chapters 16 and 17 Phrases only

    • Chapter 17 sentences

    • Chapter 15 sentences

    • Chapter 16 sentences

    • MS Theory Lesson 6 dictation

  • 10

    Class 7 - Chapters 18-20

    • Finger Drills Lesson 7

    • MS Theory Class 7

    • MS Chapter 18 phrases only

    • Chapters 19 and 20 Phrases Only

    • Ch18Sentences

    • Ch19Sentences

    • Ch20Sentences

    • MS Lesson 7 QA Dictation

    • MS Lesson 7 QA dictation

  • 11

    Class 8 - Chapters 21-23

    • Contraction 1-23 word match

    • MS Lesson 8

    • MS Lesson 8 dictation


    • Ch21Sentences

    • Ch22Sentences

    • Ch23Sentences-Student

    • Chapter 21 Phrases only

    • Chapter 22 phrases only

    • Chapter 23 phrases only

  • 12

    Class 9 - Chapters 24-26

    • Test - Translate

    • Chapters 24-26 phrases dictation

    • MS Theory Lesson 9 phrase dictation

    • Chapters 24-26 Phrases Only

  • 13

    Class 10 - Chapters 27-29

    • How to Learn and Practice Briefs

    • MS Class 10


    • Chapters 27-29 Phrases only

    • Chapter 27 numbers revised


    • Dictation Sentences

    • Practice Dictation

  • 14

    Class 11 - REVIEW

    • Phrase-off Phrases

    • Contests and Review

  • 15

    Class 12 - REVIEW

    • Review

  • 16

    Class 13 - Chapters 30-32

    • Class 13 MS

    • Chapters 30-31 Phrases only

    • DZ FOR ING

    • Super Bowl

    • Super Bowl dictation

  • 17

    Class 14 - Chapters 33-35

    • MS Class 14

    • Lesson 35 Phrases only

    • RCH NCH RF

    • Chapter 35 States in one stroke

  • 18

    Class 15 - Chapters 36-38

    • Chapters 36-38

    • Chapters 36-38 phrases

    • TD for ED

    • Test Dictation - 80 wpm

    • Test Dictation - 160 wpm

    • Test Submittal

  • 19

    Class 16 - Chapters 39-41

    • Class 16


    • Word Parts and most used

    • Chapters 39-41 phrases only

    • Class 16 phrase powerpoint

  • 20

    Class 17 - Chapters 42-44

    • Class 17


    • Chapters 42-44 Phrases only

    • Class 17 words

  • 21

    Class 18

    • Class 18

    • Chat text


    • MS Chapter 45 phrases

    • Add "the"

  • 22

    Class 19 - Review

    • Important Phrases

    • MS Class 19

  • 23

    Class 20 - Chapter 48

    • MS Class 20

    • Chapter 48 phrases do dont do not doesnt does not

    • Chapter 48 Phrases did didn't did not

  • 24

    Class 21 - Chapter 48 continued

    • Class 21

    • Chapter 48 phrases 2

    • Common first names

  • 25

    Finger Drills

    • Copy of Week 2 Finger Drills

    • Copy of Finger Drills

    • Copy of Finger Drills Lesson 7

    • Copy of PINKY DRILLS

    • Copy of CLASS 17 FINGER DRILLS

  • 26

    Class 22 - Chapter 49 and review

  • 27

    Class 23 - Chapter 52

    • Magnum Steno Sunday class 04.26.20

    • Chapter 52 find found phrases

    • Chapter 51 Legal phrases

  • 28

    Class 24 - Chapter 52 continued

    • Class 24

    • Chapter 52 class 24 phrases

  • 29

    Class 25

    • Class 25

    • Chapter 53 RHPE

    • Class 25 Phrases Jeopardy

  • 30

    Class 26

    • Class 26

    • Chapter 53 Class 26 phrases

    • Phrases from 1-50ish

    • Favorite Phrases

    • Class 25 Phrases Jeopardy

  • 31

    Class 27

    • Class 27

    • Favorite Phrases

    • Chapter 58 time phrases

    • EST words

  • 32

    Class 28

    • Chapter 59 Weeks Months Years phrases

    • Speed Contest Elephant literary 220ish

    • Speed Contest Notes

    • Transcribe Mark Kislingbury's Notes

  • 33

    Class 29

    • MS Class 29

    • Class 29 phrases

  • 34

    Class 30

    • Class30

    • Class 30 chap 59 phrses

    • Last 9 classes review

  • 35

    Class 31

    • Class 31

    • Class 31 Small Words Phrases Review

    • Class 31 pronoun phrases part 1

    • In Honor of Father's Day - Family Feud

  • 36

    Class 32

    • Class 32 pronoun phrases part 2

    • Class 32

  • 37

    Class 33

    • Class 33

    • Class 33 phrases

  • 38

    Years in One Stroke

    • Copy of Years in One Stroke

    • Copy of File 1

    • Copy of File 2

    • Copy of File 3

  • 39

    Class 34

    • Class 34

    • Class 34 phases

    • Steno keyboards for phrases

  • 40

    Class 35

    • Class 35

    • Class 35 QA extensions

    • Class 35 ask look RHPE

  • 41

    Class 36

    • MS Theory Sunday Class 08.02.20

    • Class 36 did it etc

  • 42

    Class 37

    • Class 37

    • Class 37 would extensions

  • 43

    Class 38 - Chapters 72 and 73

    • Class 38

    • Chapter 73 sentences

    • Chapters 72 and 73 phrases dictation

    • Chapter 72 phrases

    • Chapter 73 phrases

  • 44

    Class 39

    • Chapter 75 Live Class

    • Chapter 75 phrases

  • 45

    Class 40

    • 11.01.20 MS Live Sunday Class 40

    • 11.01.20 MS Live Sunday Class 40

    • Chapter 78 Phrases

  • 46

    Class 41

    • 12.06.20 MS Sunday Class 41

    • Chapter 79 phrases

  • 47

    Class 42

    • Class 42

    • Chapters 80-82 phrases

  • 48

    Class 43

    • Chapter 83 Phrases

    • Chapter 83 phrases

  • 49

    Class 44

    • Class 44 - Chapters 84 and 87 phrases

    • Class 44 Chapters 84 and 87