Magic Steno Mindset - FREE DICTATIONS
WHAT YOU NEED TO CREATE STENO MAGIC!! Dictations - Phrases - Weekly live mentoring - Community
Way Too Fast
Cozy Couch
Dance Around the Target
Writing to Save Your Life
Daily Speed Bursts
January 4, 2021 Literary
January 5, 2021 JC
January 6, 2021 Literary
January 7, 2021 JC
January 8, 2021 JC
January 9, 2021 2V
January 10, 2021 2V
January 11, 2021 Legal (Supreme Court Decision)
January 12, 2021 Lit
January 14, 2021 4-Voice
January 15, 2021 Legal Article
January 16, 2021 Lit
January 17, 2021 3-Voice
January 18, 2021 QA
January 19, 20201 JC
January 20, 2021Multi-voice
January 21, 2021 Multi-Voice
January 22, 2021 Lit
January 23, 2021 JC
Jan 24 2021 QA
Jan 25 2021 QA
January 26, 2021 Lit
January 27, 2021 Legal
January 28, 2021 Lit
January 29, 2021 Lit
January 30, 2021 JC
January 31, 2021 Lit
February 1, 2021 Lit
February 2, 2021 Multi-voice
February 3, 2021 Multi-voice
February 4, 2021 Legal/Lit
February 5, 2021 Lit
February 6, 2021 Multi-voice
February 7, 2021 Mult-voice
February 8, 2021 Lit
February 9, 2021 JC
February 10, 2021 Lit
February 12, 2021 Lit
February 13, 2021 JC
February 14, 2021 QA
February 15, 2021 Lit
February 22, 2021 Lit
February 23, 2021 Lit
February 25, 2021 QA
February 26, 2021 Lit
February 27, 2021 JC
March 1, 2021 Legal Article
March 2, 2021 Literary
March 3, 2021 JC
March 16, 2021 3-Voice
March 17, 2021 3-Voice
04.21.21 Speed burst Lit
4.22.21 Speed burst Lit
04.25.21 Burst Lit
4.26.21 Lit
04.27.21 Lit
MS Speedbuilding (ch.21 contractions, long/short E vowel practice, write it out, WG/sentences ch22 & 23, readback, speedpasses ch20 70wpm ch17 90wpm)
MS Speedbuilding (Sentences - 14, 13, 11; WG 13; write it out ("sniglets"), contractions)
MS Speedbuilding (much, which, such phrases, E vowel practice, write-it-out countries, prefix mini, multi, suffix ish, ally, ch36-38 WG and speedbuilding, readback, speedpass ch28. 90wpm)
MS Speedbuilding (ch.22 phrases correct, talk, right, back to, U vowel practice, write it out medical terms, prefix on, off suffix st, ship, ch 34 WG and speed building, readback, speedpass 120wpm)
MS Speedbuilding (Theory 1- phrases, CH37-39 sentences 80-130WPM / Theory 2-CH52 phrases, CH 52,53,55 sentences 60-100WPM)
MS Speedbuilding (Suffixes & Prefixes, CH 23,28,38,39 speedbuilding 60-100WPM )
MS Advanced (Ch 55,56,57 WG, Sentences. Lit/police observation report - same take 3 times. Speed passes at 100 and 120.)
MS Advanced (did that, did it, did this phrases, WG ch 69,71,72, speedbuilding ch 69,71,72, readback, speedpass 130wpm)
10.12.21 100-160 (-O'Clock phrases, CH 3,6,14,18 sentence speedbuilding with -as phrases added in, LIT speedbuilding, Speedpass CH 1-30 140WPM)
CH 1 Dictation
CH 3 Dictation
MS CH 1-5 sentences test 10.5.20
80 wpm MS Chapters 1-5
100 wpm MS Ch 1-5 live 09.30.20
CH 6 Sentences Dictation
60 wpm MS 1-7 Test
90 wpm MS 1-7 Test
MS Theory Chapters 1-8 Sentence dictation
Chapter 8 Sentence dictation
80 wpm MS Chapter 10 sentences
MS Chapter 12 sentences
MS Chapter 13 sentences
MS Chapter 14 sentences
65 wpm MS CH 1-17 Live Dictation
MS Chapter 18 words
MS Chapter 18 sentences
MS Chapter 18 sentences
MS Chapter 19 words
MS Chapter 19 sentences
60 wpm MS Chapters 14-20 Live
MS Chapter 20 words
MS Chapter 20 sentences
MS Chapter 20 sentences
MS Chapter 21 Sentences
MS Chapter 21 words
MS Chapter 22 words
MS Chapter 23 sentences
MS Chapter 23 words
MS Chapter 24 words
MS Chapter 24 sentences
MS Chapters 25-26 words
Ms Chapter 26 sentences
MS Chapter 27 sentences
MS Chapter 28 words
MS Chapter 28 sentences
MS Chapter 29 words
MS Chapter 29 sentences
MS Chapter 30 words
MS Chapter 30 sentences
MS Chapter 31 words
MS Chapter 32 words
MS Chapter 33 words
MS Chapter 34 words
MS Chapter 35 words
MS Chapter 36 words
MS Chapter 37 words
MS Chapter 38 words
MS Chapter 39 words
MS Chapter 40 words
MS Chapter 58 sentences
80-100 wpm Magnum Steno Theory
03.26.20 80 wpm Theory dictation
04.02.20 Theory Dictation
04.07.20 Theory Dictation
04.07.20 Theory Dictation
04.09.20 Theory Dictation
04.15.20 80-100 wpm Theory
04.16.20 Argonaut MS Theory
05.13.20 Theory
05.14.20 Theory
07.22.20 Theory Speed building
07.27.27 Theory
07.31.20 Theory
08.03.20 MS Theory class
08.27.20 MS Theory Drills
9.15.20 Magnum Steno
09.20.20 Magnum Steno
10.27.20 MS speed
11.11.20 MS Speed
11.12.20 MS Speed
1.7.21 100-120 Dictation
1.14.21 100-120 Dictation
1.21.21 100-120 Dictation
01.28.21 100 120 Dictation
01.28.21 100-120 Dictation
2.11.21 100-120 Dictation
3.4.21 100-120 Dictation
1.6.21 120-160 wpm Dictation
1.13.21 120-160 Dictation
1.20.21 120-160 Dictation
1.27.21 120-160 Dictation
2.3.21 120-160 Dictation
2.10.21 120-160 Dictation
2.17.21 120-160 Dictation
2.24.21 120-160 Dictation
3.3.21 120-160 Dictation
3.10.21 120-160 Dictation
3.17.21 120-160 Dictation (QA Test)
3.24.21 120-160 Dictation (JC test 140 & 160wpm)
3.31.21 120-160 Dictation (140 wpm Lit test)
4.14.21 120-160 Dictation (150 wpm Lit test)
5.5.21 120-160 Dictation
5.12.21 120-160 Dictation (160 wpm Lit assessment)
5.19.21 120-160 Dictation (160 WPM Assessment JC )
5.26.21 120-160 (Slow down and confidence boosting dictations of QA, JC, Lit 120-140, up to 160 and back down. QA readback. JC assessment at 140wpm)
6.2.21 120-160
6.9.21 120-160 (QA Assessment 120 WPM)
6.23.21 120-160
7.7.21 120-160
7.21.21 120-160 (QA, JC and lit dictations 120-160wpm)
8.11.21 120-160 (Speed Pass 140 Lit)
8.4.21 120-160 (JC, QA ,Lit dictations, 160 QA speed pass)
8.18.21 120-160 (QA 120-140, JC 140-160, Lit 120-160, speed pass at 120)
8.24.21 120-160
9.1.21 120-160 (JC, LIT, QA, JC speedpass @ 140wpm)
9.8.21 120-160 (QA, JC, speed pass at 140, Lit at 160 (a lot of "big words"))
9.15.21 120-160 (phrase warm up, lit same take, lit ted talk video, jury charge, speed pass at 140)
3.11.21 100-160(Speedbuilding sentences from CH 20-23 and Lit write it out practice at the end)
3.18.21 100-160 (Chapter 23 words, sentences, and phrases)
3.25.21 100-160 MS Speedbuilding (CH 23,24,28, and Literary)
4.13.21 100-160 (CH 44 sentences)
4.21.21 100-160 Dictation (CH 1-20 sentences, CH 11-14 sentences, CH 14,18-20 sentences, Literary)
4.22.21 100-160 (Chapters 9 and 10, speed building with sentences)
4.29.21 100-160 (Chapters 11 and 12. Chapter 12 assessment 140wpm)
5.4.21 100-160 (Ch. 23 words, phrases and sentences. Assessment at 120wpm)
5.6.21 100-160 (Chapter 16, sentence assessment)
5.11.21 100-160 (CH 20-22 words phrases and sentences, CH 22 assessment 125 wpm )
5.13.21 100-160 (Chapter 22, 130 test on chapter 22.)
5.18.21 100-160 (Ch 36-38 Words phrases and sentences, CH 1-20 assessment 130 WPM)
5.20.21 100-160 (Chapters 17, 18, 19)
5.27.21 100-160 (Chapters 41 and 42 with 42 assessment, WG and sentences for both)
6.1.21 100-160 (Ch 1-10 review, WG, phrases, Assessment ch 1-10 140wpm)
6.8.21 100-160 (CH 1-10 words and phrases, CH 10-15 sentences, CH 1-25 words and phrases, CH 30-33 sentences, 135 WPM assessment)
6.10.21 100-160 (CH 1-20 words and phrases, Ch 15-20 sentences, CH 1-35 100WPM speed pass)
6.15.21 100-160 (CH 20-24, Literary Practice)
6.22.21 100-160 (Ch. 9-12 review, sentences. Speed Pass 115wpm )
6.24.21 100-160 (1-30 warm up, 1-20 phrase drill, 25 and 22 sentences)
6.29.21 100-160 (CH 1-40 words and phrases, CH 34&35 sentences/Speed pass CH 1-10 160 WPM)
7.1.21 100-160
7.6.21 100-160 (ch. 1-10 review, sentence drills, readback, phrase review ch 1-8, speed pass at 135wpm)
7.8.21 100-160 (CH 32 and 33)
7.13.21 100-160 (CH 42-44, CH 1-40 Speed Pass 120WPM)
7.20.21 100-160 (ch. 22 and ch. 23, speed pass 120wpm)
7.22.21 100-160 (Ch 44, 19, 28, Lit at 120-130)
8.3.21 100-160 (Ch. 15-18 sentences, phrases and word pairs, speed pass at 125wpm)
8.5.21 100-160 (Chapter 29 words and sentences, WENT phrases. Speed pass on Went and Think sentence.)
8.10.21 100-160 (Ch 42-44 sentence speedbuilding, Speed Pass 150WPM CH 1-40)
8.12.21 100-160 (Chapter 24, Speed pass at 140)
8.17.21 100-160 (Chapter 21 sentences, "not, isn't" phrases, JC, LIT, and QA. SPO at 140)
8.17.21 100-160 (Chapter 21 sentences, "not, isn't" phrases, JC, LIT, and QA. SPO at 140)
8.19.21 100-160 (ch 12-14 words and sentences, lit and JC dictation, speed pass at 115)
9.2.21 100-160 (66, 48, 29, 28, 12 sentences 100-160wpm; Lit at 120-140, speed pass at 120)
9.7.21 100-160 (phrases and sentences chapters 1-10, dictation same take with looking over and adding to dictionary then reading entire dictation all the way through, speed pass at 150)
9.9.21 100-160 (ch 32 -33 words, phrases and sentences with readback, lit dictation same take over and over, speed pass lit at 140)
9.14.21 100-160 (Sentences Ch 59, 57, 55, 54, 40, 39, 19, 10. Speed passes at 130 and 100.)
9.16.21 100-160 (R-hand phrase ender ~hadn't, CH 1-30 words and phrases, CH 7, 12, 18, 23, sentence speed building, JC speedbuilding, Speedpass CH 1-15 125WPM)
1.6.21 160-180 wpm Dictation
1.13.21 160-180 Dictation
1.20.21 160-180 Dictation
1.27.21 160-180 Dictation
8.26.21 100-160 (Gonna phrases, CH 57-59 and CH 20-22 sentence speedbuilding, LIT speedbuilding, Speedpass @ 140wpm LIT)
8.25.21 120-160 (QA, JC, Lit dictations, Lit speed pass at 135wpm)
8.26.21 100-160 (Gonna phrases, CH 57-59 and CH 20-22 sentence speedbuilding, LIT speedbuilding, Speedpass @ 140wpm LIT)
8.31.21 PART 1 100-160 (CH 71 phrases, CH 32-34 sentences)
8.31.21 PART 2 100-160 (CH 35-37 sentences, LIT, and speedpass CH 1-20 @120wpm)
9.21.21 100-160 (R-Hand Phrase enders -mentioned & -come, CH 28-30 speedbuild, Lit speedbuild, 140wpm lit speedpass)
9.22.21 MS Advanced (ch 52 and 53 phrases, phrase enders, sentences, QA dictation and speed pass)
9.22.21 100-160 (Sentences 100-140wpm. Ch 20-53)
9.28.21 100-160 (warm up- write it out words, ch 54 and 55 review and sentences, dictation, QA speed pass at 120)
9.29.21 120-160 (QA 120, Lit 120-140, JC 130-160, speedpass (lit) 120)
9.30.21 100-160 (ch 40 word and sentences, literary dictations using different techniques, speed pass at 130)
9.30.21 MS Advanced (R-hand phrase enders -always, -also, CH 56-58 sentences, JC, QA, Lit, Speedpass LIT 130WPM)
10.5.21 100-160 (All sentences, various chapters from 16 - 84 (most in the 40-60 range))
10.6.21 120-160 (dictations, same take/dance around, QA, Lit/ted talk, JC speed pass at 135wpm)
10.7.21 MS Advanced (Chapter 63 phrases (speedbuilding and sentences), QA, JC, Lit, 120wpm LIT Speedpass )
10.12.21 100-160 (-O'Clock phrases, CH 3,6,14,18 sentence speedbuilding with -as phrases added in, LIT speedbuilding, Speedpass CH 1-30 140WPM)
10.14.21 100-160 (Sentences - Ch 40, 37, 22, 34, phrases (At/time; That you; __are the); lit rollercoaster speeds, contractions, lit speed pass at 110)
10.14.21 MS Advanced (Ch. 61 and 62 phrases, fall poems, ted talk lit dictation, speed pass lit at 145wpm)
10.19.21 100-160 (ch 24 and 33 sentences, car related dictations, speed pass at 140)
10.21.21 100-160 (Sentences from Ch 49, 29, 21, 8; prases (little, does, how); lit for 20-25 min.)
10.21.21 MS Advanced (Ch 83&86 phrases and sentences speedbuilding 90-130WPM, LIT/JC 100-220WPM, 120WPM LIT speedpass)
10.26.21 100-160 (Ch. 46, 42, 37, 31 Sentences; Little/does/how phrases; Lit at 100-160 and back down again; speed pass at 100wpm)
10.27.21 120-160 (WTF warm up, unfamiliar words, dance around lit, JC, speed pass at 140wpm)
10.28.21 Ms Advanced (Chapters 54 and 60 - WG and Sentences. Lit (story from Humans of NY FB page) - 110-110wpm. )
10.28.21 100-160 (~would be, ~would not phrases, CH 1-46 words and phrases speedbuilding, CH 18,28,33,43 sentence speedbuilding exercises, Speedpass 160WPM CH 1-35)
MS Advanced (CH34-41)
11.2.21 100-160 (RHPE ~them, CH 1-31 words and phrases speed building, CH 7,20-23 sentence speedbuilding, Speedpass 100WPM CH 1-46)
11.3.21 120-160 (JC, LIT, QA, QA speepass 120WPM QA)
11.4.21 MS Advanced (warm up write outs, Ch. 92 and 93 sentences, dictation, lit 130 speeed pass)
11.4.21 100-160 (Sentences - ch. 33-40; lit with up and down speeds; Ch 18 sentences with building speed.)
11.9.21 100-160 (phrases ch 1-7, sentences ch 1-10, rollercoaster dictation, speed pass at 130)
11.11.21 100-160 (CH 25,26,43,44,45 speedbuilding, CH 43/44 phrases and brief drill, emphasis on CH43/44, LIT speedbuilding)
11.11.21 MS Advanced (Write it out long medical words, CH 78 phrases, CH 78 &79 sentences, 120WPM JC Speedpass)
11.16.21 100-160 (Sentences Ch. 40, 31, 23; phrase drills Can I/Could You/I Have; lit 100-160 same excerpt over and over; lit speedpass at 140wpm)
11.23.21 100-160
11.11.21 200-225 QA Practice
11.17.21 120-160 (Lit, QA, 120-160 roller coaster, high to low, low to high, increas 5 wpm every minute)
11.18.21 100-160 (word drill warm up, ch 5, 6, 11 words, phrases and sentences, lit dictation)
11.18.21 MS Advanced (WG 69; Sentences 69 & 83; QA and closing arguments from Kyle Rittenhouse trial; Lit speed pass at 110wpm.)
11.23.21 100-160
11.30.21 100-160 (RHPE -gonna, LIT, WG CH 1-46, Speedbuilding CH 10,21,28,34, Speedpass CH 1-40 140WPM)
12.1.21 120-160 (QA, LIT (wiht JC phrases), JC, and JC Speedpass 120WPM)
12.2.21 MS Advanced (Ch73 phrases, CH 67,68,73 WG slow to fast, CH 67,68,73 speedbuilding sentences 80-120WPM, LIT, JC, again CH 67,68,73 speedbuilding sentences 100-140WPM, Speedpass CH 1-69 130WPM )
12.2.21 100-160 (CH 75 phrases, CH 1-31 WG speedbuilding, CH 28-31 speedbuilding sentences, Dance around target speed 130WPM, Speedpass CH 1-30 150WPM)
12.6.21 200-225 (Lit,JC)
12.7.21 MS Advanced (WG 81, Sentences 53, 63, 77; QA)
12.7.21 180-200
12.7.21 100-160 (Sentences Ch 22, 29, 35, 40, 45; CanCould/Have phrases, Lit (speeds up and down) -- first hand account of surviving Pearl Harbor)
12.7.21 100-120 (Reader's Digest articles - one about Chinese New Year, another about great gifts for women.)
12.8.21 160-180 (QA,JC, LIT)
12.9.21 MS Advanced (Write out words, WG 81, Sentences 53, 63, 77, 47, 94; QA)
12.9.21 120-140
12.13.21 200-225
12.14.21 180-200
12.14.21 100-160 (CH 1-40 WG, CH 23,28,31,39 speedbuilding, Readback, Speedpass CH 1-35 130WPM )
12.14.21 100-120 (Article about manifestation; Humans of New York story)
12.15.21 MS Advanced (WG and sentences Ch 68, QA, Lit (poem))
12.15.21 160-180 (Lit, JC)
12.15.21 140-160 (QA, JC)
12.16.21 MS Advanced (Ch 81 Phrases, CH 24,25,31,32 speedbuilding)
12.16.21 120-140 (lit dictations, christmas stories and resilience )
12.20.21 200-225 (various lit articles on success and grit. )
12.21.21 180-200 (Lit (article about Winter Solstice); QA)
12.21.21 100-120 (JC, QA)
12.21.21 100-160 (WG 43, Sentences 42, 43; contractions; little/does/how phrases, Lit)
12.22.21 160-180 (paranormal politics article, NY Times Air Strikes article, legal opinion Maryland vs. King)
12.22.21 140-160 (legal opinion continued, daily self journaling article, omicron variant article, Lizzie Borden article)
12.28.21 140-160
12.29.21 180-200
1.3.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
1.4.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
1.4.22 100-160 (warm up drill, WG 1-27, ch. 6-7 sentences and phrases, lit dictation same take, speed pass ch 1-26 145 wmp)
1.4.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
1.5.21 MS Advanced (ch71 phrases, ch 72 WG, ch71-72 speedbuilding, JC, Lit-article about historical new years celebrations, speed pass LIT 160wpm)
1.5.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
1.5.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
1.6.22 MS Advanced ((COVID VOICE!)WG and Sentences Ch 67; Long recording of TED Talk (20+ min), speed pass Ch 1-67 at 130WPM)
1.10.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
1.11.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
1.11.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
1.12.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
1.12.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
1.13.22 MS Advanced (warm up with geographical names ch 74, ch 75 phrases and briefs, sentences on the fly, ted talk dictation, speed pass at )
1.13.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
1.18.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
1.18.22 100-160 (WG ch 1-10, ch 8- 10 words, phrases, sentences, speed pass at 150)
1.18.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
1.19.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
1.19.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
1.20.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
1.24.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
1.25.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
1.25.22 100-160 (ch. 36-38 phrases, ch. 30 ALL WG, ch. 35,38,41,45 sentences and speedbuilding, LIT disappearance of Brandon Swanson article, LIT speedpass 110wpm )
1.26.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
1.26.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
1.27.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
1.31.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
2.1.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
2.1.22 100-160 (Ch 26 WG, "question" phrases, ch 26 sentences (some readback), Lit about Rosa Parks, QA deposition, JC, speed pass at 140)
2.1.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
2.2.22 MS Advanced (warm up beginning phrases, ch. 54 WG and sentences, speed pass at 130)
2.2.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
2.2.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
2.3.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
2.8.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
2.8.22 100-160 (CH 58 ~time phrases, CH 1-26 WG speedbuilding, CH 19,20,21,23 speedbuilding, 120WPM speedpass CH 1-26)
2.8.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
2.9.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
2.9.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
2.10.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
2.14.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
2.15.22 100-160 (word drills warm up and write outs, these phrases, ch. 28, 29 sentences with read back)
2.15.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
2.21.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
2.22.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
2.22.22 100-160 (into phrases, come back phrases, theory 1 write it out words, ch30-33 WG, ch30-33 speed building, readback 115wpm, 9/15/21 MS speedpass 110wpm)
2.22.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
2.23.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
2.23.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
2.24.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
2.28.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
3.1.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
3.1.22 100-160 (phrases, ch. 34- WG/chapter review, sentences, QA dication, speed pass)
3.1.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
3.2.22 140-160 30-minute dictation (13:03-18:20 silence- technical glitch)
3.2.22 160-180 30-minute dictation (11:30-17:35 silence-technical glitch)
3.7.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
3.8.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
3.8.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
3.14.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
3.15.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
3.15.22 100-160 (warm up word drill, ch.37 )
3.15.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
3.16.22 160-180 30-minute dictation. EV360 QA
3.16.22 140-160 30-minute dictation EV360 QA
3.17.22 120-140 30-minute dictation EV360 QA
3.21.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
3.22.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
3.22.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
3.23.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
3.23.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
3.24.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
3.28.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
4.4.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
4.5.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
4.5.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
4.6.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
4.6.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
4.7.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
4.11.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
4.12.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
4.12.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
4.13.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
4.13.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
4.14.22 120-140 30-minute dictation
4.18.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
4.19.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
4.19.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
4.20.22 140-160 30-minute dictation
4.20.22 160-180 30-minute dictation
4.25.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
4.26.22 180-200 30-minute dictation
4.26.22 100-120 30-minute dictation
5.2.22 200-225 30-minute dictation
5.3.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
5.3.22 RPR Power Class
5.5.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
5.5.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
180-225 30-minute dictation
RPR Power Speed Class
5.12.22 100-140 30 minute dictation
5.17.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
5.17.22 RPR Power Class
5.19.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
5.19.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
5.24.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
5.24.22 RPR Power Speed Class
5.26.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
5.26.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
5.31.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
5.31.22 RPR Power Speed Class
6.1.22 4-Voice Dictation 160-225WPM
6.2.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
6.2.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
6.7.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
6.7.22 RPR Speeds Class
6.9.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
6.9.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
6.14.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
6.14.22 RPR Power Speed Class
6.16.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
6.16.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
6.21.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
6.21.22 RPR Power Speed Class
6.23.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
6.23.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
6.28.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
6.28.22 RPR Power Class 30-minute dictation
6.30.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
6.30.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
7.5.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
7.5.22 RPR Power Speed Class
7.7.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
7.12.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
7.12.22 RPR Speed class
7.14.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
7.14.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
7.19.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
7.19.22 RPR Power Speed Class
7.21.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
7.21.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
7.21.22 4-voice dictation 180WPM-100WPM
7.26.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
7.26.22 RPR Power Class
7.28.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
7.28.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
8.2.22 180-225 WPM 30-minute dictation
8.2.22 RPR Power Class
8.4.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
8.4.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
8.9.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
8.9.22 RPR Power Class
8.11.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
8.11.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
8.16.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
8.16.22 RPR Power Speed Class
8.18.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
8.18.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
8.23.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
8.23.22 RPR Power Speed Class
8.30.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
8.30.22 RPR Power Speed Class
9.1.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
9.1.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
9.1.22 Pop-Up (Tangle Tamers (writeitout), 4-Voice 100-140, Same take and build 100-170WPM W/Readbacks)
9.6.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
9.6.22 RPR Power Speed Class
9.8.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
9.8.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
9.13.22 RPR Power Speed Class
9.13.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
9.15.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
9.20.22 180-225WPM Dictation (short class)
9.20.22 RPR Power Speed Class (Short class)
9.22.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
9.27.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
9.27.22 RPR Power Speed Class
9.29.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
9.29.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
10.4.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
10.4.22 RPR Power Speed Class
10.6.22 100-140 30-minute dictation (Correction on RHPE any -SZ used with have, -FRPB with other words)
10.6.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
10.11.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
10.11.22 RPR Power Speed Class
10.13.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
10.13.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
10.18.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
10.18.22 RPR Power Speed Class
10.20.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
10.20.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
10.25.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
10.25.22 RPR Power Speed Class
10.27.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
10.27.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
11.1.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
11.1.22 RPR Power Speed Class
11.3.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
11.3.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
11.8.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
11.8.22 RPR Power Speed Class
11.10.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
11.10.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
11.15.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
11.15.22 RPR Power Class
11.17.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
11.17.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
11.29.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
11.29.22 RPR Power Class
12.1.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
12.1.22 140-180 30-minute dictation
12.6.22 180-225 30-minute dictation
12.6.22 RPR Speed Class
12.8.22 100-140 30-minute dictation
1.3.23 180-225 30-minute dictation
1.3.23 RPR Power Speed Class
1.5.23 100-140 30-minute dictation (120WPM JC Speedpass opportunity)
1.5.23 140-180 30-minute dictation
1.10.23 180-225 30-minute dictation
1.10.23 RPR Power Speed Class
1.12.23 100-140 30-minute dictation
1.12.23 140-180 30-minute dictation
1.17.23 180-225 30-minute dictation
1.17.23 RPR Power Speed Class
1.19.23 100-140 30-minute dictation
1.19.23 140-180 30-minute dictation
100-120 wpm 10.20.20
100-120 wpm 11.13.20
120 wpm Test 8.20 Protect your record
120 wpm 9.10.20
120-160 wpm Quarantine Dictation 1
120-160 wpm Quarantine Dictation 2
120-160 wpm dictation 03.24.20
120-160 wpm dictation 03.26.20
120-160 wpm Dictation 04.14.20
120-160 wpm Dictation A 05.05.20
120-160 wpm Dictation B
120-160 wpm Quarantine Dictation Day 2
120-160 wpm Dictation 04.09.20
120-160 wpm Dictation03.26.20
120-160 wpm Dictation 04.14.20
120-160 wpm 09.23.20
120-160 wpm Dictation A 05.05.20
120-160 wpm Dictation 05.06.20
120-160 wpm 10.21.20
120-160 wpm 11.11.20
120-160 wpm 07.22.20
120-160 wpm Live Test 07.29.20
120-160 wpm 10.21.20
120-160 wpm 11.04.20
120-160 wpm dictation 07.22.20
120-160 wpm Dictation 08.05.20
160-200 wpm Quarantine dictations No. 1
160-200 wpm Dictation Class 04.02.20
160-200 wpm Dictation 04.22.20
160-200 wpm 11.04.20
160-200 wpm Dictation 05.06.20
160-200 wpm Dictation 08.05.20
150 wpm test 9.16.20
160 wpm Live testing 09.30.20
180-225 wpm 9.10.20
9.16.20 Random Speeds
08.25.20 Dictation1
08.26.20 Dictation 2
Literary - Intersteno Competition 2007 SC
Literary - Crazy English(1) by Richard Lederer
Literary - Crazy English(2) by Richard Lederer
Literary - Data Breach
Literary - Opening Statement
Literary - JC Triangle - Part 1
Literary - JC Triangle - Part 2
40 wpm Lit.
100 WPM
Deposition (Actual Audio) - Neighbor Dispute
Two-voice Power Plant Depo
2-Voice - accident (Video)
2-Voice interview with kid
Triangle Trial - Part 1
Three-voice - Patty Hearst Trial Part 1
Three-Voice - The Last Laugh (transcript excerpts)
Three Voice - Depo Transcript
Three-voice Simmons (Fast)
Multi-voice - Testimony of Fortier
Multi-voice - Avery Auto Trader Trial
Four-Voice Depo - Ramirez
Four -voice - Milam and Bryant
4-voice 03.31.20
Multivoice 03.26.20
Four-Voice 04.08.20
Deposition of Expert Witness: Nurse
07.24.20 QA (RL)
4-voice 10.26.20
4-voice 10.30.20
Santa on Trial
06.15.21 4Voice 140-160
06.16.21 4Voice
06.18.21 4Voice 180-225
07.06.21 4Voice Variable speeds 130-225
Four-Voice Frenzy 180 08.06.20
4v Frenzy 08.04.20
Four-voice Frenzy 200 08.07.20
Four-Voice Frenzy 180 08.06.20
Four-voice Frenzy 200 08.07.20
4v Frenzy 08.04.20
4voice 05.22.20
02.07.21 multi-voice burst
02.02.21 Multi voice 2 Burst
January 22 2021 Burst Multivoice
10.30.20 4-voice
4voice 10.11.20
03.31.20 4voice
Multivoice 03.26.20
03.31.20 4voice
Multivoice 03.26.20
Four-Voice 04.08.20
1.29.22 Endurance (4-voice)
1.24.22 2-voice 150WPM
1.24.22 2-voice 130WPM
1.24.22 2-voice 110WPM
1.24.22 2-voice 90WPM
9.1.22 Pop-Up (Tangle Tamers (writeitout), 4-Voice 100-140, Same take and build 100-170WPM W/Readbacks)
7.21.22 4-voice dictation 180WPM-100WPM
4-Voice Dictation 180WPM
4-Voice dictation 160WPM
Part 2 4-voice dictation 160WPM
4-Voice Dictation 160WPM1
4-Voice Dictation 160WPM2
4-Voice Dictation 140WPM1
4-Voice Dictation 140WPM2
4-Voice Dictation 140WPM3
Lit 40 wpm
JC 40 wpm
Lit 70 wpm
80-120 wpm 05.06.20
80-120 wpm Quarantine Dictation 3
08.28.20 MS MISC.
08.26.20 MS MISC.
80 wpm Test Dictation
Practice Dictation
100 wpm JC 08.15.20
100 wpm JC (1) 1.8.21
100 wpm JC (2) 1.8.21
100 wpm JC 1.22.21
100 wpm JC 2.15.21
100 wpm JC 02.28.21
110 WPM JC 1
110 WPM JC 2
100WPM JC (553 words)
100 wpm Lit. 09.23.20
100 wpm Lit. (1) 1.8.21
100 wpm Lit. (2) 1.8.21
100 wpm Lit 1.21.21
100 wpm Lit 2.15.21
100 wpm Lit 02.28.21
LIT 100wpm CM
Man in the Arena_100WPM
110 WPM Lit Tom Sawyer1
100WPM farmers market
100 wpm QA 1.8.21
100 wpm QA 1.21.21
100 wpm QA 2.15.21
100 wpm QA 02.28.21
120 wpm JC 07.27.20
120 wpm JC test 3
120 wpm JC 08.15.20
120 wpm JC (1) 1.8.21
120 wpm JC (2) 1.8.21
120 wpm JC 1.22.21
120 wpm JC 2.15.21
120 wpm JC 02.28.21
120 wpm Lit. 07.29.20
120 wpm Lit. 09.23.20
120 wpm Lit. (1) 1.8.21
120 wpm Lit. (2) 1.8.21
120-160 wpm Lit JC QA 06.19.20
120 wpm Lit 1.21.21
120 wpm Lit 2.15.21
120 wpm Lit 02.28.21
120 wpm QA 07.24.20
120 wpm QA 1.8.21
120 wpm QA 1.21.21
120 wpm QA 2.15.21
120 wpm QA 02.28.21
140 wpm JC Test 07.22.20
140 wpm JC 07.24.20
140 wpm JC (1) 07.31.20
140 wpm JC (2) 07.31.20
140 wpm JC 1.3.21
140 wpm JC 1.5.21
140 wpm JC 1.6.21
140 wpm JC 2.20.21
140 wpm JC 03.07.21
140 wpm Lit. 08.15.20
140 wpm Lit 1.3.21
140 wpm Lit 1.6.21
140 wpm Lit 2.20.21
140 wpm Lit 03.07.21
140 wpm Lit 3.13.21
140 wpm Lit 3.14.21
130 WPM Lit Tom Sawyer1
130 WPM Lit Tom Sawyer2
130 WPM Lit Tom Sawyer3
130 WPM Lit Tom Sawyer4
130 WPM Lit Tom Sawyer5
4-minute Lit WPM140 (591words)
140 wpm QA 09.19.20
140 wpm QA 08.31.20
140 wpm QA 1.3.21
140 wpm QA 1.5.21
140 wpm QA 1.7.21
140 wpm QA 03.07.21
140WPM QA 9.29.21
140WPM QA 9.20.21
160 wpm JC 1.3.21
160 wpm JC (1) 1.15.21
160 wpm JC (2) 1.15.21
160wpm JC (1) 01.17.21
160wpm JC (2) 01.17.21
160 wpm JC 3.13.21 Part 1
160 wpm JC 3.14.21 Part 2
160 wpm Literary 07.29.20
160 wpm Literary Test 07.29.20
160 wpm Lit. 08.15.20
160 wpm Lit. 08.28.20
160 wpm Lit. 08.30.20
160 wpm Lit. 09.19.20
160 wpm Lit. 09.23.20
160 wpm Lit. 1.3.21
160 wpm Lit (1) 1.15.21
160 wpm Lit (2) 1.15.21
160wpm Lit (1) 01.16.21
160wpm Lit (2) 01.16.21
120-160 wpm Lit JC QA 06.19.20
150 wpm QA 09.19.20
160 wpm QA 09.02.20
160 wpm QA 1.3.21
160 wpm QA (1) 1.15.21
160 wpm QA (2) 1.15.21
160wpm QA (1) 01.18.21
160wpm QA (2) 01.18.21
1.24.22 2-voice 160WPM
180 wpm JC ONE-MINUTE TEST 7.22.20
180 wpm JC 08.15.20
180 wpm JC FOUR-MINUTE TEST 07.22.20
180 wpm JC 1.18.21
180wpm JC (1) 01.29.21
180wpm JC (2) 01.29.21
180 wpm JC 2.20.21
180 wpm Lit. 08.15.20
180 wpm Lit 1.18.21
180 wpm Lit (1) 01.31.21
180 wpm Lit (2) 1.31.21
180 wpm Lit 2.20.21
180 wpm Lit 2.21.21
LIT 3-25-22 180wpm 895words TEST CM
180 wpm QA 07.24.20
180 wpm QA 08.15.20
180 wpm QA 09.14.20
180 wpm QA 1.18.21
180 wpm QA (1) 01.31.21
180 wpm QA (2) 01.31.21
180 wpm QA 2.20.21
1.24.22 2-voice 180WPM
200WPM QA (1020words)
200 wpm JC
200 wpm JC 08.15.20
200 wpm JC 09.19.20
Canadian Jury charge 1
Canadian Jury Charge 2
Canadian Jury Charge 3 (200wpm)
200 wpm JC 2.21.21
200 wpm JC 03.07.21
160-200 wpm Lit JC QA 06.19.20
200 wpm Lit 2.21.21
200 wpm Lit 03.07.21
160-200 wpm Lit JC QA 06.19.20
200 wpm Four-voice Frenzy 08.07.20
200 wpm QA 2.21.21
225 wpm/ JC first 5 min/ 2- voice @ 5:57/ more JC after
225wpm QA 02.21.21
200 wpm QA 03.07.21
11.11.21 200-225 QA Practice
1.24.22 2-voice 225WPM
1.24.22 2-voice 200WPM
200 wpm QA MEDICAL 04.18.22
200WPM QA (814 words)
225 wpm JC 2.21.21
States In One Stroke - Dictation and Hard Copy
Court Citations
Businesses, addresses, phone numbers
Tongue Twisters
Don't Come Back for the S
Final L and T drills
Names and Stitching
Numbers - addresses
10.20.20 Names and Numbers
11.03.20 Names and numbers
11.10.20 Names and Numbers
1.5.21 Names and Numbers
1.12.21 Names and Numbers
1.19.20 Names and Numbers
2.1.21 Names & Numbers
2.15.21 Names and Numbers
2.22.21 Names and Numbers
3.1.21 Names & Numbers
3.15.21 Names & Numbers
3.29.21 Names & Numbers
4.12.21 Names & Numbers
4.26.21 Names & Numbers
5.10.21 Names & Numbers
Names and Numbers 5.24.21
Names and Numbers 6.7.21
Names & Numbers 7.5.21
Names & Numbers 7.19.21
Names & Numbers 8.2.21
Names & Numbers 8.9.21
Names & Numbers 8.16.21
Names & Numbers 8.23.21
Names & Numbers 9.6.21 (BLS stats, Names of 9/11 victims, addresses, Nasdaq earnings stats, currency, ages - all at 90-100wpm)
Names & Numbers 9.13.21 (Birthdays, Months and Days of the week, time, years in one stroke, stocks)
Names & Numbers 9.20.21 (popular names and last names, big brands, numbers, addresses)
9.27.21 Names & Numbers (time phrases, years in one stroke, stock market numbers, US presidents write it out practice, addresses, famous artists write it out/spelling practice)
10.4.21 Names & Numbers (Numbers written out MS Practice, Story names and Authors, Stock Market dictation, Random Addresses US, Random Addresses Dominican Republic and Belarus)
10.11.21 Names & Numbers (tongue twisters, email addresses, NFL teams, Heisman trophy winners, ages, medication dosages, wars/years, credit card names, wine varieties, phone numbers, addresses, Washington state facts)
10.18.21 Names, Numbers, and Nonsense (Wikipedia bio of historical figure with dates, driving directions, prefixes/suffixes, cast members of a movie, phone numbers, tongue twisters)
10.25.21 Names, Numbers & Nonsense (top halloween movie with dates and actor names, leading causes of death stats, did you know statistics, names, numbers, )
11.1.21 Names, Numbers, and Nonsense (Random addresses, LIT History articles, most difficult words write-it-out practice, 110 WPM LIT)
11.8.21 Names, Numbers, and Nonsense
11.15.21 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Tongue twisters, Wikipedia page about Kenosha, driving directions, random names, wars with dates, ages, college names with addresses and website addresses and student population and tuiion, Amazon Original movie
11.22.21 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (thanksgiving history warm up dictation, thanksgiving recipes, house listings, most popular names, names, addresses, phone numbers)
11.29.21 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (today's horoscope, dates in history, active US courts and judges, addresses of fictional characters, capital cities and populations, "Sound Asleep" poem to coincide with sleep challenge )
12.6.21 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Tongue twisters, Horoscopes, Stock Market, Famous Birthdays, 300 most difficult SAT words, longest words in the english language, random addresses)
12.13.21 Names, Numbers, and Nonsense (Night Before Cmas poem, Christmas cookie recipes, prefix/suffix practice, list of actors who played Santa with movie names and dates, Tax deadline information.)
12.20.21 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (write it out, most popular last names, most popular first names, random addresses and calendar dates, stock market letters and numbers)
1.3.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Bety White biography, credit card numbers, Names, BLS article with stats, email addresses, driving directions, tongue twisters)
1.10.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (daily horoscope, J and Z words, national holidays, historical time periods, US cities and populations, addresses)
1.17.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (
1.24.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (News article/sports stats; Fun holidays; one syllable words; addresses; phone numbers; names spelled out; tongue twisters
1.31.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (random words, daily horoscope, court reporting jobs and salaries, holidays for today, random dates, addresses, readback, speedpass 140wpm )
2.7.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Nonsense one syllable sounds drill, long write it out words and their meaning, medical word roots/suffix/prefixes, random addresses and license plates, Olympic names, Olympic information readback, 100WPM lit speedpass )
2.14.22 NamesValentine's Day Lit/stats; Valentine's Day Tongue Twisters (YouTube video); Weather Forecast of "Valentine's" cities; Famous 2/14 birthdays; Rom-com movies; addresses, zip codes, LA Rams team roster/stats
2.14.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Valentine's Day Lit/stats; Valentine's Day Tongue Twisters (YouTube video); Weather Forecast of "Valentine's" cities; Famous 2/14 birthdays; Rom-com movies; addresses, zip codes, LA Rams team roster/stats)
2.21.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (short random words, prefixes and suffixes, random dates, president's day video, astronomy calendar holidays, random addresses, readback, speedpass 110wpm )
2.28.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Civil Rights Movement dates/stats; tongue twisters; write it out (medical dx); addresses, phone numbers, one syllable words; speed pass at 130wpm)
3.7.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Green Eggs and Ham, minor league baseball roster/player states, BLS article/employment stats, license plates/VIN/make of cars, addresses, phone numbers, random cities)
3.14.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Silly poems; Wikipedia page; addresses; BLS article; names; ages/years old; medication dosages; grocery receipt)
3.28.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Dr. Seuss book for warm up; Oscar winners (years/names/movie titles); glossary/page numbers; addresses; female names; wine list and prices; zip codes/city/state; speed pass at 100wpm)
4.4.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Tongue twisters, addresses, stats about Nebraska, phone numbers, IP addresses, passwords, zip codes, boy names and birth weights, dosages of medication, wars, ages)
4.11.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (one syllable words, kids' poems (one for read back), currency, dates/times, addresses, license plates/car make and model; report about cancer stats, random/crazy statistics, Spanish words for write it out)
4.18.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Spring reset, How the Self-Esteem Craze Took Over America, Inside the Mind of a Mad Scientist, The Curse of The Bahia Emerald)
4.25.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Driving directions, recipes, female first names, last names, foreign currency, Lord of the Rings character names as write-it-out words; ages, prescription dosages, Wikipedia article about Covid, police alphabet)
5.2.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Cat in the Hat; Tax form instructions; algebra word problems; US presidents; Military alphabet; credit cards; decimals; budget presentation (YouTube), NFL teams; female names; addresses; cities/zipcodes)
5.16.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Tongue Twisters, Wikipedia article about Spokane buildings, addresses, video about statistics, US breweries/addresses, college catalog)
5.23.22 Names, Numbers, and Nonsense( Green Eggs & Ham warm up, addresses, video of 9/11 victim names, BLS report, biography of Questlove, ages, Rx dosages, wars, IP addresses, Names of famous people, JC speed pass at 120wpm)
5.30.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Wikipedia page about Memorial Day, currency, Names/dates from military cemetary, addresses, campgrounds with longitude/latitude, email addresses, speed pass at 120)
6.6.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (dr. Seuss warm up, D-Day Lit, stats about obesity, last names, addresses, David Scott (astronaut) bio, national parks, speed pass at 100wpm (lit))
6.13.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Tangle Tamers, Medical suffixes and prefixes, random license plates, random addresses, stock market, lottery, crypto, Speedpass at 130WPM LIT)
6.20.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (One syllable words, Wiki article about Juneteenth, addresses, phone numbers, names, police codes, BLS article)
6.27.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Children's book warm-up (video), random statistics, numbers, addresses, phone numbers, periodic table as write-it-out, names, email addresses, medication dosages, ages)
7.5.21 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (random facts about Independence Day, phone numbers, police codes, multiplication problems, driving directions, names, write it out (medical terminology), US presidents with years, tongue twisters, zip codes/cities,
7.11.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Wikipedia article/bio; This day in history; license plates; VIN numbers; addresses; zip codes; menu; tongue twisters; speed pass at 120)
7.18.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Green Eggs & Ham warm up, phone numbers, Air Force One stats, Supreme Court Justices names and dates, video about nursing/lab results, TV listings, random user names, speed pass at 120wpm)
7.26.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (daily horoscope, stock market numbers, random dates, popular Ukrainian names, addresses and readback, 130wpm LIT speed pass )
8.8.22 Names, Numbers, nonsense (Tongue Twisters, addresses, Names, BLS paragraphs/summary of econonimc conditions, YouTube video of "this day in history", phone numbers, nicknames, movie names, Lit speed pass at 120wpm )
8.15.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Wikipedia article, addresses, BLS bulletin, Amazon product listing, names of billionaires, zip codes, tongue twisters, speed pass at 120wpm)
8.22.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Dr. Seuss book (YouTube) as warmup, Wikipedia page about Golden Globes, addresses, dog names, famous names, zip codes, countries, exhibit numbers)
8.29.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense ( articles, random passwords, adddresses, dates, times, names, recipes, write it out words (medical terminology), speed pass at 140)
9.5.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Green Eggs and Ham warmup, Wiki page about Labor Day, addresses, athlete names, fictitious cities as write-it-out words, history and stats about Kentucky, ages; Lit speedpass about Labor Day at 120wpm)
9.12.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Essay about 9/11, 9/11 memorial names, tongue twisters, addresses, phone numbers, website addresses, medical codes, dates, mythical gods)
9.19.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Robinson Crussoe one syllable version; addresses, names, zip codes, currency, YouTube video about random numbers, tongue twisters, phobias, superpowers, exhibit numbers; lit speed pass at 130wpm)
9.26.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (tangle tamers, Stock Market reading, Big write it out words, addresses)
10.3.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Tangle Tamers, Stock Market, Addresses, Long words and spelling, Speedpass 140WPM LIT)
10.10.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Dr. Seuss, Columbus Day Wiki page, zip coes, addresses, names, exhibit numbers, ages, phone numbers, speed pass at 140)
10.17.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense ("Looked at" RHPE, biography, BLS report, addresses, fake cities, medical codes, weather stats, first names, random holidays, times of day, )
10.24.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (This day in history, college names, addresses, names, World Series info, marijuana strains, breweries and their addresses, exhibit numbers, currency, speed pass at 130)
10.31.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Wiki article about Halloween, people born on this day, scary movies, MAC addresses, email addresses, passwords, addresses. JC speed pass at 140)
11.7.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (YouTube video of Dr Seuss book, Wiki article about election day, currency, tongue twisters, rare girl names (video), honeymoon locations, billionaires, speed pass at 140)
11.14.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (This day in history, lottery numbers, OJ Simpson jury information, Walmart order, recipes, unique boy names (video), speed pass at 130wpm)
12.5.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Robinson Crusue one syllable version, this day in history, BLS, name, Groupon deals, speed pass at 130wpm)
12.12.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Green Eggs and ham, britney griner, addresses, kilobytes/megabites, male names, RHPE do this, math tutor video, speed pass at 160 wpm)
12.19.22 Names, Numbers, Nonsense (Wiki article about World Cup, 12 days of Christmas (video), police codes, addresses, last names, BLS article/stats, ages, wars, exhibit numbers. Speed pass at 130wpm)
160 wpm Endurance 03.23.20
200 wpm Endurance 03.23.20
120-160 wpm Endurance 03.31.20
120-160 wpm Endurance 05.14.20
120-160 wpm Endurance 07.17.20
120-200 wpm Endurance 04.24.20
160-200 wpm Endurance 07.17.17
160-200 wpm Endurance 05.15.20
160-225 wpm Endurance 06.05.20
80-225 WPM Endurance 09.07.20
Endurance Training 11.14.20
Endurance Training 1.9.21
Endurance Training 1.15.21
Endurance Training 1.23.21
Endurance Training 160 wpm 1.30.21
Endurance Training 110-200 wpm 2.5.21
Endurance Training 160-225 wpm 2.13.21
Endurance Training 160-225 wpm 2.20.21
Endurance Training 160-225 2.27.21
Endurance Training 160-225 3.6.21
Endurance Training 160-225 3.13.21
Endurance Training 160-225 3.20.21
Endurance Training 160-225 wpm 4.3.21
Endurance training 160-225 wpm 4.10.21
Endurance Training 160-225 wpm 4.17.21
Endurance Training 160-225 wpm 4.24.21
Endurance Training 160-225 wpm 5.1.21
Endurance Training 160-225 5.8.21
Endurance Training 160-225 5.15.21
Endurance training 160-225 5.23.21
Endurance Training 160-225 5.29.21
Endurance (Varying speeds: 4 Voice) 6.5.21
Endurance 160-225 6.14.21
Endurance Training 6.19.21 (Magazine article, Q & A, speed pass at 160)
Endurance 160-225 6.26.21
Endurance 160-225 WPM 7.3.21
Endurance 160-225 7.10.21
Endurance 160-225 7.17.21
Endurance 160-225 7.24.21
Endurance training 160-225 8.7.21
Incremental Endurance 100-225 8.13.21
Endurance 160-225 8.14.21
Incremental Endurance 100-225 8.20.21
Endurance 160-225 8.21.21
Endurance 160-225 8.28.21
Incremental Endurance 9.3.21 (Lit - Dave Barry's year in review 2020 - 100-180wpm; speed pass at 170)
Endurance 160-225 9.4.21
Incremental Endurance 9.10.21
Endurance 160-225 9.11.21
Incremental Endurance 9.17.21
Endurance 9.18.21
Incremenental Endurance 9.24.21
Endurance 9.26.21
Incremental Endurance 10.1.21
Endurance 10.2.21 4-Voice
Incremental Endurance 10.8.21
Endurance 10.9.21
Incremental Endurance 10.15.21 (Passages from The Book of Virtues; lit speed pass at 140wpm)
Endurance 10.16.21 (QA (with two people), JC, Lit - stories and poems, lit speed pass at 180 wpm)
Incremental Endurance 10.22.21 (JC, JC speed pass at 120)
Endurance 10.23.21 (JFK peace speech, recent news video, Strange and dangerous world of big cat people article, 160 lit speed pass )
Incremental Endurance 10.29.21 (QA from 100wpm-190wpm; JC speed pass at 130)
Endurance 10.30.21 ("Halloween Edition" - Lit - young adult "horror" story; QA - 20/20 Interview with a serial killer; YouTube video/paranormal story; speed pass about aliens at 160wpm)
Incremental Endurance 11.5.21
Endurance 11.6.21
11.12.21 Incremental Endurance (JC 100-190wpm; speed pass JC at 120wpm)
11.13.21 Endurance (QA (2 voice) for 30 min)
11.19.21 Incremental Endurance
11.20.21 Endurance (4-voice)
11.27.21 Endurance (4-voice QA)
12.3.21 Incremental Endurance
12.4.21 Endurance (Wikipedia article about The Troubles (Northern Ireland Conflict), mostly around 160wpm. A lot of "big words.")
12.10.21 Incremental Endurance
12.11.21 Endurance
12.17.21 Incremental Endurance (QA (surpreme court hearing about signage)
12.18.21 Endurance
1.7.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit (Dave Barry's year in review 2021); lit speed pass at 110)
1.8.22 Endurance (JC, QA (YouTube), Lit; Lit speed pass at 180)
1.14.22 Incremental Endurance (JC ; JC speed pass at 130)
1.15.22 Endurance (Lit, QA, JC; JC speed pass at 180wpm)
1.21.22 Incremental Endurance (QA; Lit speed pass at 160)
1.22.22 Endurance (Lit, QA (two voice), JC; lit speed pass at 180)
1.28.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit (Wikipedia article about Route 66; contained a lot of years and city names/states);lit speed pass at 140wpm)
1.29.22 Endurance (4-voice)
2.4.22 Incremental Endurance
2.5.22 Endurance (Lit (anxiety and depression TED Talk); QA (Emmit Till); JC; speed pass at 180wpm)
2.11.22 Incremental Endurance
2.12.22 Endurance (2 HOURS.1st hour: history of drag article, articles from JCR magazine, bennington triangle article, plaintiff's closing arguments from Chicago 8 case, Lin Manuel Miranda on the moth)
2.18.22 Incremental Endurance
2.25.22 Incremental Endurance
3.4.22 Incremental Endurance
3.5.22 Endurance (How to become fluent in a new language Duolingo article, Hindsight in 2022 Psychology behind our cultural nostalgia, california jogger Sherri Papina stages own violent kidnapping, periolous passage longread article, State of Illinois v.
3.11.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
3.12.22 Endurance
3.18.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
3.19.22 Endurance (a comedian who listens, spring cleaning for your devices, NCRA COPE, How to prepare your client for their deposition, the disappearance of Daniel Robinson, Wooden vs. US opinion of the court, the pitfalls of automated speech-to-
3.25.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
3.26.22 Endurance (Fantastic Beasts and How to Rank Them, The Baffling Disappearance of Kellisue Ackernecht, Final Jury instructions, Dear Duolingo: what’s up with all these gendered nouns?, On Solitude )
4.1.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
4.2.22 Endurance (Ireland's First Captioner and the Luck of the Irish, ‘In my 30 years as a GP, the profession has been horribly eroded’, How to Fall in Love With Boredom and Unlock Your Mental Toughness, How to Master the Invisible Hand That Shap
4.8.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
4.9.22 Endurance
4.15.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
4.16.22 Endurance (Spring reset, How the Self-Esteem Craze Took Over America, Inside the Mind of a Mad Scientist, The Curse of The Bahia Emerald)
4.22.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
4.23.22 Endurance (Conan O'Brian Harvard Speech, weekends well spent, refugees of the modern world, speak with confidence(e-book))
4.29.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
4.30.22 Endurance (The power of humility, The Catacombs of Paris, Motivation is Overvalued. Environment Often Matters More., New Heights, The Endless Robbing of Native American Graves)
5.6.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
5.9.22 Endurance (Good friends, how to tell people you're going to chase your dreams, learning more, wake up pumped and ready to achieve your goals, welcome to america-now spy on your friends, they call me madame, tips for staying organized )
5.13.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
5.14.22 Endurance (Why Keeping Track of the Good Things in Life Matters?, 4 Causes of Low Self-Esteem in Children, INTRODUCTION TO THE FINAL CHARGE, 5 Empowering Beliefs that Will Reshape Your Life, A Crime Beyond Belief)
5.20.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
5.21.22 Endurance (Why Do I Procrastinate and How Can I Beat It?, 100,000 deaths, How I Learned To Trust Life and The Journey I Was On, Who Knows Best)
5.27.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
5.28.22 Endurance (Why Fantasy is a Necessary Ingredient for Living, Begin Your Morning Routine the Night Before to Make the Most of Your Day, Signs your dog has anxiety and how to treat it, Are You Talking To Yourself The Right Way?, The Plus Side)
6.3.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
6.4.22 Endurance (5 Tips to Create Balance Between the Human Being and Human Doing Mind, There's More To Personality Than A Test Score, How to Manage Perfectionism, What Lies Behind Ghosts, Demons and Aliens According To Sleep Researchers, Haven’t
6.10.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
6.11.22 Endurance (Lessons Learned From A Freelancer, Working For The CIA: A Guide To Quick Resolution Of Ethical Questions, How to Develop Positive Thinking When Things Are Bad, What Know-It-Alls Don’t Know, Or The Illusion of Competence, Call waiting, H
6.17.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
6.18.22 Endurance (Itchy Chair Motivation, Tricking The Brain: How Magic Works, Vicious cycles, Why Do Kids Lie And Is It Normal?, A medical frontier, The Wrong Goodbye)
6.24.22 Incremental Endurance (LIT)
6.25.22 Endurance (Shared suffering, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR CRANIOTOMY, Peer Review: Nightmares, How To Take Charge of Your Dreams, When Does Hungry Become Hangry?, Why Isn’t Delonte West in the NBA?)
7.1.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
7.5.22 Endurance (Stop Feeling Inadequate With Where You Are in Life, Psychologists See Humor As A Character Strength, It's worse than you think, Anger Is Temporary Madness, A Brief History of Women’s Eyebrows in Art, Why You Should Believe in You
7.8.22 Incremental Endurance
7.9.22 Endurance (Lit, JC (video), QA)
7.15.22 Incremental Endurance
7.16.22 Endurance (Lit (Educated by Tara Westover); QA (YouTube interview of elderly Appalachian woman); closing arguments from Steven Avery trial)
7.22.22 Incremental Endurance
7.23.22 Endurance (How to Face Adversity by Taking Control of Our Attitude, All in the family, Solitary confinement causes long-lasting harm, How Small Actions Can Make a Huge Difference, Children Understand Far More About Other Minds Than Long Be
7.27.22 Pop-up Endurance 180 down to 100WPM
7.29.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
7.30.22 Endurance (Listen closely, Do the Goats Like Goat Yoga? An Investigation., Earworms: Why Some Songs Get Stuck In Our Heads More Than Others, Mystery of Somerton man’s identity solved after 73 years, A Conversation with James Clear, Lonelin
7.27.22 Pop-up Endurance 180 down to 100WPM
8.5.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
8.6.22 Endurance (Couple Has The Best Reaction After Stray Dog Crashes Their Wedding, the increasing politicization of the book-banning debate, Is it rational to trust your gut feelings?, Prison Money Diaries)
8.12.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
8.15.22 Endurance (Music Helps Reconnect Elderly Patients with their Memories, Here’s A Mental Health Workout That’s As Simple As ABC, Giving Bits of Farmland Back To Nature Does Not Reduce Crop Yields, Pandemic pushed defendants to plead guilty m
8.19.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
8.20.22 Endurance (5 Tips for Recharging Your Emotional Health, Some Psychopathic Traits Are Actually Linked To Success, My escape from Afghanistan, Reading, Doing Crafts, Playing Instruments or Games Associated With 23% Lower Risk of Dementia)
8.27.22 Endurance (Heart to heart,Inside the deadly world of prisoner transport)
9.2.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
9.3.22 Endurance (the main attraction, and beyond, “The Anatomy of Trust”, ‘Engage with us’, Deep Time Sickness, Why the price of insulin is a danger to diabetics)
9.9.22 Incremental Endurance (LIT)
9.10.22 Endurance (Evidence of Amputation in Prehistoric Times, “The Common Denominator of Success”, Animal Rights on Trial, ANNALS OF BEHAVIOR Do Parents Matter?)
9.16.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
9.17.22 Endurance (visible symbol of Queen's grief, Mexico’s First Cross-County Hiking Trail Will Support Mayan Culture, 1999 Mount Holyoke Commencement Speech, Fog in San Francisco Bay Area faces an uncertain future, Coming Into Focus)
9.23.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
9.24.22 Endurance (More than 20 years, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure”, 3 Things I Learned From The Dalai Lama, A shift in crime, Life Doesn't Frighten Me Maya Angelou)
9.30.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
10.1.22 Endurance (11 Tips for passing NCRA Online Skills Tests, Making Friends As An Adult, How to build for human life on Mars, Jim Carrey’s Commencement Address, City of Savannah Wins Survey of Top 5 Most Underrated Places to Visit in USA)
10.7.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)`
10.8.22 Endurance (How to order coffee around the world, Iran’s ‘women’s revolution’ could be a Berlin Wall moment, COLBERT'S COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS, Who speaks English?, The Enron Trila: An Account)
10.14.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
10.15.22 Endurance (Exposure to More Foreign Accents Helps Children Grow Their Vocabulary Faster, Would you stop dating someone your parents didn't like?, How to squeeze all the juice out of retirement, HOW TOXIC FUMES SEEP INTO THE AIR YOU BREATH
10.21.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
10.22.22 Endurance (42% Have Fallen Back in Love With a Partner After Going on Vacation Together, 10 Real Haunted Houses Across the United States, Can you relearn a language you forgot?, Why is it so hard to cure the common cold?, Weird vibes in t
10.29.22 Endurance
10.29.22 Endurance Part 2
11.4.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
11.5.22 Endurance (Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night?, Stop Feeling Inadequate With Where You Are in Life, Top social media apps are struggling after a decade of dominance, Mushroom Power: 8 Health Benefits, On Spookiness, The Most V
11.11.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
11.12.22 Endurance (What kinds of emotions do animals feel, 10 Supreme Court Cases Every Teen Should Know, Steve Jobs commencement speech, Why do some people snore so loudly?)
11.18.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
11.19.22 Endurance (How to write the perfect crime, according to Agatha Christie, Diet not working? Maybe its not your type, The flat era of fashion, A man has been arrested and charged with murder in the 2017 killings of 2 teen girls in Indiana,
12.2.22 Incremental Endurance (Lit)
12.3.22 Endurance (Time-honored tradition, 3 steps to build peace and create meaningful change, Why you feel anxious socializing, Meryl Streep, Barnard Commencement Speaker 2010)
12.9.22 Incremental Endurance (QA)
12.10.22 Endurance (Freelance v. Official, ChatGPT, the JCR the next generation, the science of falling in love)
12.16.22 Incremental Endurance (JC)
12.17.22 Endurance (Identical twins aren't *that* identical, Oprah Winfrey commencement speech, Beware of the Perfect Gentleman)
1.6.23 Incremental Endurance (
CART - Airport meeting
Council Meeting
Finger Drills
Medical Terms
Don't come back for the S
Dictation Outtake
Fast talkers!!
Judge Rinder Funniest moments
News Bloopers
Commencement Speech excerpts
Jamaican newcast re NIDS court case
Viola Davis Commencement speech
Australian judge
Scottish and British judges
Lawyer Breaks Down 30 Courtroom Scenes
30 Top three-word phrases
"And" Phrases
DATE WITH STENO - Captioning/CART 08.20.21
DATE WITH STENO - Musical Theater
11.19.21 Date with Steno
12.03.21 Date with Steno
1.7.22 Date with Steno
1.28.22 Date W/ Steno
2.11.22 Date W/ Steno
2.25.22 Date W/ Steno
03.04.22 Date with Steno
Date with Steno 031822
3.11.22 Date W/ Steno
3.25.22 Date W/ Steno